True North Empowerment

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An Ode to Orion…

During my evening walk with the dog each night, my eyes are forever drawn upward, marvelling at the change in planetary and constellation alignment that has occurred in just 24 hours. It's a part of my nightly routine that always grounds me with the reminder that we are SO very small in the overall scheme of the Universe. No matter how crazy everything is around me, this simple practice of looking up each night to the reminder that we are on a giant rock that rotates at an angle each day and that orbits around the sun each year...and that other planets have moons that the eye can't see...and that the light from those stars was actually emmitted light years ago...and that what I'm seeing actually happened hundreds of years ago...

In a strange way, the enormity of it all brings deep peace. I am one solitary biological miracle in the overall Universe. There are 7 billion of those biological miracles that reside on this planet. We are only here for a short time. And then (in my belief), we return to the Universe. We become the stars. We are absorbed back into Love. We are reunited with Peace and with loved ones long since passed who have also returned to stardust. It's a reunion of our souls back to Source.

It shouldn't surprise me then that I feel a special connection to the energy of one of the most well known constellations in the sky. This nightly routine of mentally charting the position of the stars and planets for the last several years has led to a fondness of the constellations that grace my doorstep during certain times of the year. During one of these walks last week, I was greeted by my old friend, Orion.

As he makes his way across the sky each winter, I'm always sad to see him leave and I bid him a fond farewell for six months until he returns. With 2020 feeling both relentlessly long and simultaneously like it's travelling at warp speed (how is it already almost Thanksgiving?!), I was shocked in the best way possible when Orion became visible last week.

It was like reuniting with an old I haven't seen in six months and who showed up unannounced at my door. The feeling of joy this constellation sparked in me was at first surprising. The logical/egoic side of my brain saying, "It's a constellaion, Jenny. Nothing to get too excited about." Followed by the spiritual higher self voice which I've learned to trust as my truth saying, "Hush, now. Orion has returned. It's cause for celebration." And celebrate I will.

Orion reminds me that there is power unknown in the Universe. That energy exists beyone what we can see with our physical eyes or hear with our ears or feel through our physical senses. That there is ancient wisdom held within the stars...within his stars...that exists within each of us. That we truly are all connected and that we are one with the Universe. That if we ever need a reminder of that, sometimes all we have to do is look up.

All of that from a few stars in the infinite galaxy.

Welcome back, old friend. It's good to see you again.

Photo by Pascal Debrunner on Unsplash