True North Empowerment

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Card of the Week: Father Sky

We are fresh off the lunar eclipse and full moon of last week, and I find it absolutely beautiful that the energy that greets us for the week ahead is that of Father Sky. There is beauty and balance to be found here, so let's dive in.

Last week's lunar energy was all about getting in touch with our emotions and allowing our feelings to rise up and pass through. As you might recall, the Moon is tied to the element of water and it's the Universal representation of the Feminine.

Solar energy (which is tied to the energy of Father Sky) is about inspiration and taking action. It's tied to the element of fire, and is the Universal representation of the Masculine.

The search for balance in our lives as we exist down here on the human plane is illusive - it always sits just out of reach. And yet, nature is always calling us back to balance. There is always balance within universal polarities, and as busy as we are down here it's easy to lose sight of that. We need only look up for a reminder to call that balance back home - "Ah - there it is. I see it now. Balance already exists. It's playing out in front of me in the beauty of Mother Earth and her dance with Father Sky. It's ever present in the energy of the Moon and the Sun. In the darkness of night and the bright light of day. In Earth and Air, Fire and Water."

We are being called back to balance this week, Friends. Next week brings a solar eclipse just on the heels of last week's lunar eclipse, but we have this blissful week in between where Father Sky is urging us back to equal and steady ground. Use this week to consider all that came with the lunar eclipse energy and to trust that you are supported and held gently by the Universal forces. For they do not just exist outside of you - as a child of the stars you ARE the Universe. Seek out that inner wisdom this week, knowing that all that is above exists within.

As above, so below.

And so it is. :)

Deck: Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray