True North Empowerment

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Card of the Week: Archangel Michael

How is it that time carries forward at both a snail's pace as well as at warp speed? Something to ponder for future posts, I suppose.

Friends, I'm flat worn out. Exhausted. Caput. Finito. I've had two days off this weekend which has been rare of late, but also usually enough time to feel restorative. But holy cow - I'm SPENT. Part of that is because work has been insanely crazy since March. (Disclaimer: I realize it is both a blessing and a privilege to still be working amidst the pandemic). But I know the real source of the exhaustion is from the state of the world. The uncertainty over what is to come. The frustration over all that has transpired. The worry for our collective safety amidst a pandemic that we can't seem to get under control. The lack of respect...and decency...we seem to have for our fellow man. The feeling that our foundation is nothing more but a pile of sand built haphazardly at our feet. With no sense of when the cement truck will arrive to make it sturdy once more.

And the thing is, as intuitive, empathic people (which we all are, especially if you've found your way to read this blog), we feel this stuff tenfold. It affects us deeply. We feel it straight in our heart space. It's flat out exhausting, ya'll.

Which is why I'm SO pleased to have the energy of Archangel Michael with us this week. As I picked up the cards to give them a shuffle I thought, "Wouldn't it be comforting if Michael was our guide for the week?" And BAM. Just like that, he responded.

(Side note: I say this all the time, but spiritual practice doesn't have to be this huge, long, drawn out thing. Sometimes, all it takes is a thought, a prayer, and being open for the signs to appear.)

The energy of Archangel Michael provides protection and safety as we face whatever battles we are fighting. As the "leader" of the choir of Angels, Michael appears as a warrior, sometimes pictured with a shield but always with a sword. The "sword of truth" helps us to cut energetic cords in order to release energy output to people, situations, and things that no longer serve us so that we may make space for what will. He often appears in the comfort of the color blue (ever see colors behind your eyelids when you close your eyes? Yup...could be an Angel or guide trying to get your attention!). All around, Michael's a pretty great energy to have on our side, especially during this time when we are all likely feeling a little less safe than we usually do.

I believe he's with us this week to help us shore up our energy as we sit squarely in the middle of the craziest of times. And what a comfort it is to know that we have such a powerful force of good...a warrior's energy to help guide us through the fray and back to our we continue charging forward through all of what the week has in store.

When you need to be reminded of his presence, take 3 deep breaths, drop into your heart, and repeat, "Thank you, Archangel Michael, for delivering me on the other side of this whole, healed, and protected. It feels so good to know I'm supported by you."

May you be held gently and guided by Michael's light this week, dear friends.

And so it is.

Deck: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray