True North Empowerment

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Card of the Week: The Heart Guardian

Hello Dear Friends,

The energy of the times has been moving at a fever pitch of late. Have you been feeling it just as intensely as I have? It's nuts!

Last week's card (Archangel Michael) was a big support. When I pull the card of the week, I leave it on my kitchen table so that I see it every day. Having that reminder each day to call Michael's energy into focus has been a huge help in reminding me that there is protection near and energy to call on for support. You might try doing the same if you happen to have the same cards (or a deck with a similar energy behind it).

This week's card is perfect in following Archangel Michael. The Heart Guardian is a reminder to let love guide you, and more importantly to let love in. So often in life we give, give, give. We find others deserving of our love, yet we leave none leftover for ourselves. The energy of the Heart Guradian is to practice receiving love. From others, yes...but also from ourselves.

The other message that comes through this week is that when things get CRAZY - when we get caught up in the whirlwind and feel like we have zero control (which, let's be the way the energy of the world has felt lately) - this is a time when we tend to shut everything down and everyone out. Like the body shunts blood to the extremities to digest food or remain warm in the core, so too do we close ourselves down in an act of survival. We shut down focus on anything deemed as "excess" to focus on priorities, and we shut out anyone and anything that isn't deemed as essential.

It's in this space that the Heart Guardian urges us to leave an open pathway for receiving love. So often our priorities exclude focus on the self. Too often they exclude spiritual practice and guidance from above. This week, we are encouraged to prioritize a channel to receive love. Make it a non-negotiable. Serve yourself before you serve others. Restore that balance. Let love in.

Tell us below - what actions can you take to let love in this week? Is it a five minute meditation practice each day? A warm cup of tea each evening? A ten minute discussion with your partner three times this week for reconnecting? A reminder to freinds and family that you could use some extra love? However you choose to keep a pathway open for love this week, commit to it and let us know how it goes!

With Love,


PS - Every Thursday, Mary and I go live in the Groves of Zen's private Facebook Group ( to discuss the card/oil of the week. Last week, just as I started talking about Archangel Michael, we experienced an unexplained and sustained lightburst on camera that caught Mary and me by surprise. It's worth a look if you haven't seen it yet, and we would love for you to come say hello in the group! You can see this portion of the video online at

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray