True North Empowerment

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Card of the Week: Holy Amethyst

Happy Sunday, Friends! It's hard to believe we are entering the space of another week, am I right?

This week we are being called toward the energy of alchemy. The process of transforming and transmuting that which is heavy and leaden into that which is beauty filled and golden. What area of your life does this apply to this week? What is sitting heavy on your heart that needs to be released or transformed in order to experience the hidden gift inside? This can apply to people, situations, relationships, job goals, parenting challenges. Holy Amethyst welcomes us into the space where energetic transformation is possible so that we can not only clear out what no longer serves us to make space for that which will, but also to help transform the remnants of that energy into helpful tools for the future.

Much like an Amethyst is formed deep inside the Earth from a chemical process that includes a whole lot of pressure and heat, so too are we called to transform a pressure-filled situation into a gift of beauty and light. For when we do this, we're left with the gift of the Amethyst - a reminder of where we've been and how far we've come as we glimmer and shine brightly after having walked through the fire. The process of alchemization is not easy, but it's worth it. Lean on the energy and wisdom of Holy Amethyst this week as you face whatever transformation is pulling at your heart.

Deck: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray