True North Empowerment

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Card of the Week: Learning Experience

It appears that we're being asked to do some hard work this month, Friends. November started with the energy of the Broken Arrow encouraging us to end the energy of fighting in place of welcoming peace, and it led us directly into this week's energy of reflection found in the Learning Experience card.

It would seem that we are in the beginnings of a period of transformation - coming together to end the struggle followed by reflecting on what we might have learned throughout the preceding tumultous period.

Transformation is never easy and is often glorified by spiritualists who want us to believe that the spiritual journey is all love, light, rainbows, and butterflies. You will never hear that from us at the Groves of Zen, becuase that's just not true.

Transformation is messy. It's challenging. It can bring you to really low lows only to catapult you back up to the really high highs, ultimately ending in a more balanced place. But getting there isn't easy. And the energy of these first two weeks of November are proof.

The time for struggle and fighting is no more; now, let's come together to listen to one another, learn from one another, and learn from the history of our past challenges. This is not easy work, Friends. And it won't happen overnight. But if we can reach back for the energy of the Broken Arrow from last week to guide us to a place of peace through what we are able to learn together...that is a recipe for lasting change.

So. What challenges have you been fighting lately that have a nugget of light hidden amidst the darkness of the struggle? What can you learn from what has recently transpired?

The energy this week encourages us to be open to receive the voice in our hearts that says there is a hint of goodness held inside that fight. Guidance is incoming on this front, but we first must tune out the noise in order to make space for that insight to arrive.

Be well, Friends. This is not easy work. But you're not alone in it either - the Groves is with you, even if from afar.

Deck: Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray