Hyssop-Oil of the Week

We have been talking a lot in the Groves lately about self love, from self love hippo who has made us smile, to the cards and oils of the week that have had a major focus on treating ourselves well and finding respite from the craziness of the world around us.

I specifically chose the oil of the week, Hyssop, this week to support the intentions Jenny mentioned regarding our card of the week, the Heart Guardian. Taking time to prioritize those things around us is a form of self love and a way to physically, emotionally and energetically heal our heart....one of the most powerful organs in our body, but yet so vulnerable to outside stress-both physically and emotionally. When the body faces physical trauma, it chooses to let the periphery go and shunt blood to our heart, organs, and the brain. It lets the peripheral extremities go to protect the most vulnerable areas of our body that sustain life. I thought of this as I was reading Jennys' intentions associated with letting go of the things that don't serve us or stress us out, and focus on the priorties...ourselves and our heart. Opening the heart to love, whether it's to those we are in a relationship with, those in our family, our friends....it doesn't matter! Opening our heart for love is known to reduces feelings of stress, depression, frustration, and many other negative feelings that bring us down. Those negative feelings affect our physical body and heart as well! Replacing them with psotive feelings of self love and love for others, raises our vibration on a physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual level.

This week I want to talk about Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) that is a perennial shrub with beautiful blue-purple towers of flowers! It is native to the Mediterranean region and Asia but now, can be found growing in the US, Europe, and Russia.

Physically, hyssop is known as the "heart tonic" because it physically helps the heart by aiding in circulation!

Emotionally, hyssop can alleviate feelings of anxiety, nervous fatigue, stress, and grief. When inhaled it can aid us with the ability to increase concentration and creativity. Creativity and doing things we love and having creative outlets is a great form of self love and self care!

Energetically, hyssop directly affects the heart chakra, bringing balance and raising the vibrational level. It can help us to feel more connected to a higher power, God, or universal source and deepen our spirituality.

Other oils we have previously covered that greatly contribute to self love include bergamot and ylang ylang.

Please check out our Thursday live chat in the Groves of Zen private Facebook page as we discuss this weeks' oil and card in further detail.

Give yourself love this week so you can love others 💕

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Card of the Week: Archangel Chamuel


Card of the Week: The Heart Guardian