
Astrological New Year!
Did you know that the Astrological New Year begins with the Spring Equinox? Join us on Zoom Tuesday, March 21 at 7:30 PM EDT for a celebration that will include a guided meditation to discover and reconnect with your intention for the year, some group Reiki, and a discussion on the current and upcoming astrological energies for 2023!
Ticket: $35 | Register online here!

Members Zoom Call
Calling all True North Pathfinders, Soul Seekers, and Trailblazers! Our monthly Zoom call will feature insight into the current energy, a mini group meditation based off that insight, and individual card pulls (if time allows).
Not a member yet? Enroll today!

Intuition Revealed: Remembering Your Spiritual Gifts
Join us every Wednesday at 4:30 PM PST for six weeks starting on August 31st as I walk you through how to connect more fully with your intuition and put your spiritual gifts to use in every day life. Each class will be an hour long held on Zoom where you’ll have the opportunity to explore the following topics via exercises with your classmates:
Week One: Introduction and What to Expect
Week Two: The Voice of the Ego in Intuition
Week Three: Clairvoyance Revealed
Week Four: Clairaudience Revealed
Week Five: Clairsentience Revealed
Week Six: Claircognizance Revealed and Closing
Pricing is on a sliding scale between $175 - $225 (pay whatever is comfortable for you in that range!) and includes access to all six live Zoom calls and course documents.
For pricing at the $175 point, use discount code IR175 at checkout | For pricing at the $200 point, use discount code IR200 at checkout

Illuminated: Reiki, Readings, and Full Moon Inspiration (April)
Each month the Full Moon illuminates that which is no longer serving us emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Join us on Zoom for an inspirational evening centered around the energy of the Full Moon in Scorpio as we gather together for a guided meditation, card readings, and group Reiki performed by both Mary and Jenny.
You can expect to leave the evening rejuvenated by the benefit of receiving Reiki from two Reiki Masters and charged up with ideas for how to utilize the energy that surrounds you. We can’t wait to gather in community together around the energy of this powerful Full Moon!
Reserve your seat online here, and the Zoom link will be emailed with your confirmation of enrollment.
Price: $35
Location: Zoom

Illuminated: Reiki, Readings, and Full Moon Inspiration
Each month the Full Moon illuminates that which is no longer serving us emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Join us on Zoom for an inspirational evening centered around the energy of the Full Moon in Libra as we gather together for a guided meditation, Angel Card and/or Tarot readings, and group Reiki performed by both Mary and Jenny.
You can expect to leave the evening rejuvenated by the benefit of receiving Reiki from two Reiki Masters and charged up with ideas for how to utilize the energy that surrounds you. We can’t wait to gather in community together around the energy of this powerful Full Moon!
Reserve your seat online here, and the Zoom link will be emailed with your confirmation of enrollment.
Price: $35
Location: Zoom