Oil of the week: Basil

After reading about the energy intentions from the card of the week, Learning Experience, I immediately thought about basil....one of my secret weapon ingredients in many of the blends I personally make and use.

Basil (Ocimum basillicum) is an herb many are familiar with. The top note essential oil of basil comes to us from the steam distillation of the flowering tops and leaves. It is native to tropical areas of Asia and Africa, but is now cultivated all over the world.

Historically, basil was a highly prized herb, known as "Holy Basil" to Indian and Hindu households because of their belief in its' ability to deter demons during sleep. They would use it under their pillows for protection (see also emotional use). In the Middle ages it was noted to be useful for feelings of depression and melancholy. To the Greeks, basil was a sign of mourning.

Physically, basil is helpful with the digestive system and can aid in decreasing stomach upset, gas, and spasms such as hiccups. It is also helpful with respiratory and sinus congestion. Basil is also great for muscular aches and pains.

Emotionally, basil is called one of the finest remedies in the book of energetic therapies for the brain. Specifically, basil helps with feelings of anxiety, sadness, nervous tension and exhaustion, and can provide protection for those with chronic illness and weakness (maybe developed from the early Hindu and Indian beliefs of protection noted above).

Energetically, basil can help those who feel tired and weak emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The oil is associated with yang, meaning it can uplift and awaken our spirit, providing mental clarity. This is my primary reason for its' association with the card of the week.

Jenny mentioned a call for transformation and I love how she shared our philosophy at the Groves that we don't expect life to be all unicorns and rainbows. Life IS messy and complicated. It comes with ups and downs. I celebrate the ups and learn from the downs. Basil is used everyday in my own personal blends. It provides an uplifting affect and can increase clarity into those things we need to learn about and from. It can help us concentrate and provide protection while doing so.

Apply basil to your wrists and/or behind the ears. Diffuse with your favorite scents. Try it with lemon..it's a fav of mine! A little goes a long way so only a dab will do ya.

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It’s a new day


Card of the Week: Learning Experience