Card of the Week: 6 of Pentacles

The energy of the 6 of Pentacles joins us this week with the all important reminder to find balance in that which we give and that which we receive.

Have you been all one side or the other lately? Giving all of yourself until there's nothing left for YOU? Taking more than you give in a certain relationship, circumstance, or career effort? We all go through phases that accompany the highs and lows of life - sometimes being the provider of support, other times need to be supported. That's one thousand percent fine. It's when those actions become our default - our action without thought - that we are being called to awaken to this week.

So, where in your life is it innate in you to give, give, give or take, take, take? It's a tough question - nobody wants to feel like we take more than we give. We're being called to the mirror this week for deeper insight, and doing so will innately bring more balance to that which needs it most.

It will also help you feel more grounded and rooted to the Earth under your feet. The Pentacles is the suit in the Tarot that is tied to the element of Earth. With the Sun being in Taurus currently which is one of the Zodiac's three Earth signs, we are being pulled back to restoring and creating solid footing upon which to thrive. The Earth part of Taurus is all about ensuring stability and easing into the sweet side of life after our foundation has been tended to. Familly, love, finances, homes, careers - when that's all in order, Taurus can relax a little. If you've been focusing lately on shoring up those aspects of your life, Taurus is to thank and we can invite in the energy of the 6 of Pentacles to welcome a bit of spontaneity and ease to balance out the seriousness of foundation planning.

It's all about balance, friends. Illusive, but necessary balance.

Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne


Oil of the Week: Ylang Ylang


Oil of the Week: Bergamot