Card of the Week: Water Guardian

Repeat after me:

I am safe. I am supported. I do not walk alone.

I am safe. I am supported. I do not walk alone.

I am safe. I am supported. I do not walk alone.

We have a LOT going on astrologically this week, and I love the fact that the Water Guardian joins us energetically to support us as we move through the inevitable shifts and changes that will come with the working of the cosmos.

Saturn turned retrograde yesterday. We have the full moon in Sagittarius on May 26, combined with a lunar eclipse. And we end the week with Mercury going retrograde. Hold on to your hats, Friends! We are in a season of shifting energy that demands that we turn inward to reflect upon our goals, dreams, aspirations, and how we ultimately arrive where we want to be.

As happens when we ask ourselves the big questions of life, where we're headed, and how best to get there, our emotions are likely to get all up in th emix. The full moon energy and eclipse only magnifies the topsy turvy nature of our emotions. To be supported by the Water Guardian through this is a gift - she is the guardian of emotions, helping us to move through as easily and with as little turbulence as possible. She encourages us to look at our emotions as guideposts for where we're headed, but not to put our whole identity into them. Lovingly observe them from afar, give them the attention the deserve, and let them move through. Create healthy boundaries with the big feelings and emotions that are bound to surface this week - honor them while knowing that you don't have to become them. They are a part of you, but they are not the whole of you. Reach into your inner self...the highest version of yourself...and let the emotions flow through, knowing all the while that you are supported and held gently throughout this process by the power of the Water Guardian.

You are safe. You are supported. You do not walk alone.

Deck: Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray

Deck: Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray


Oil of the Week: Frankincense


Oil of the Week: Transformation