Energy of the Week: Do The Work

Welcome back, Friend! How are we faring after last week's Solar Eclipse? Personally, the eclipse energy was powerful, enlightening, and inspiring! Lots of new ideas from the Ace of Swords energy as well, so cheers for new insight!

This week we are greeted by the "Do the Work" card which is the perfect addition to last week's energy. We're being called into action this week (which makes sense given Mars' arrival in Leo yesterday). When fiery Mars meets up in fiery Leo we can feel amped up and ready to go, so if that's you this week look no further for an explanation as to why.

What does "do the work" mean to you? This can be in any aspect of your life where action is called for. Is it your own inner work? Is it a passion project you've been struggling to bring to life? Or is it a more literal career-focused work that needs addiitonal attention and/or inspiration this week? This will be different for each of us, so I invite you to get quiet, take a few deep breaths, center yourself, and ask, "Where in my life does this message most align?" Take note of the first thing that comes to mind - don't second guess yourself - and you'll have your answer.

When fire meets fire, it can be intense. Rest easy this week knowing that your work is supported in whatever aspect of life that work is required - concerted time, energy, and focus will serve you well in the week ahead.

Deck: Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray

Deck: Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray


Oil of the Week: Peppermint


Oil of the Week: Grounding