True North Empowerment

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Card of the Week: Mother-Father-God

This week's card brings with it an important reminder - We need not look outside ourselves to see the magic of the Universe.

Life is a miracle in the truest sense of the word. What starts as biological matter turns into a living, breathing, functioning human being, complete with a brain that guides us and a heart that keeps us alive without conscious thought. Before that bilogical matter was combined to form YOU, your soul existed among the stars and was pulled into the body that you inhabit right now. There is no single other person on this planet like you. You are one of one - the only you that has ever, or will ever, exist. Out of 7 billion humans, you are the only one with your gifts, your strengths, your insight, and your contributions. There will never be another like you, and when you leave this physical plane you will return to the stars (in my opinion). You are, without a shadow of a doubt, pure magic.

Held within the magic that is you exists pieces of your mother and Mother Earth, your father and Father Sky, bits and shards of the Divine, and sheer stardust. You are also the experiences you've had, the people you've come in contact with, and ego. As humans, we have this innate part of ourselves that wants to stay safe and secure inside the reality we've created for ourselves. It's a survival technique, and with that comes the opposition and suppression of anything that doesn't fit that mold of safety and security. Yet we often question our existence (which is antithetical to the idea of feeling secure!), where we come from, and what happens to us when we die. Really big existential questions that we must each figure out on our own, but which also take us away from ourselves and guide us on a search for information.

The seeking out of information is an important part of the process to defining our beliefs about the Universe and how we exist in it. But the informating you gather through that experience isn't the be all, end all. As you are part and parcel of the Divine, held within the quiet recesses of your heart...of your soul...lies a wisdom that is guided by Mother, Father, Divine, and Universe. The energy of the week is encouraging us to reconnect with that simple truth of, "As above, so below." We don't always need to seek out the Divine - it already lives within us. Return to the ancient wisdom that you came here with. Ask yourself the tough questions knowing that you are fully supported by the Divine because you are the Divine. Internalize it. Embody it. And live into the magical existence that only you can bring.

Deck: Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray