Card of the Week: The Magician

The energy of the last several weeks has been preparing us for shifts and changes, and this week is no different. What IS different though is that this week, we have ALL the support from the Universe. Revel in it. Bask in it. Embody it. And step into it.

My friends, welcome to the energy of the Magician. You have all the tools at your disposal to step into creation mode. You've worked hard to get to this point, and if there's any hesitation before stepping into the great unknown, rely on the fact that you are fully and wholeheartedly supported in your chosen endeavors. You possess all of the necessary insight, wisdom, tools, knowledge, skills, and prerequisites to take the plunge into whatever you have been working so hard to prepare for. The Magician brings with him the energy of creation and the reminder to fully own and accept that it's time to turn thought into action.

With this comes the reminder to recognize the voice of your ego as a safety mechanism and nothing more. That voice is not your identity. You are not your thoughts. You are your heart. You innately have the energy, power, and wisdom of the Universe inside. You are a bright soul shining through your human embodiment. What is it that THAT part of you wants you to know? Spending some time getting to know the inner voice of your soul (or higher self) this week will undoubtedly guide you and lead you toward embodying the energy of the Magician (and serve you well in all aspects of your life, really).

What a beautiful energy we have in front of us, Friends! How will you be putting it to use? What is your ego saying to you that needs to be checked and/or silenced? What is the inner voice saying to you this week? Let us know in the comments below - because we're here for all of it!

Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne


Oil of the Week: Cedarwood


Oil of the Week: German Chamomile