Energy of the Week: Ace of Swords

We have another Astrologically charged week ahead, Friends. Hold on to your hats!

I chose to draw a card from the Tarot this week since all of the current Gemini energy can influence us to keep our heads in the clouds (the Tarot to me is a more Earth-centered deck than some of my favorite Oracle/Angel Card decks). The Universe came back with a swift, "You can't outsmart me" reminder with the card that came up for us which in turn brought a matter how we try to maintain control in this life we are always brought back to the simplicity of the fact we are influenced by supportive forces that we cannot see. I return to the blog humbled by this reminder this week. :)

As I was inadvertantly trying to outsmart the incoming energy of the week ahead hoping for some grounding energy, the Ace of Swords found its way into my hands. This is influential in many ways, not the least of which is this week's solar eclipse in Gemini which coincides with the New Moon in the same sign.

The Swords is the suit of the Tarot that represents the element of Air. Air represents ideas, intellect, and incoming information. Gemini is the first of the Air signs in the Zodiac representing the same. The Ace in the Tarot is the first card in the suit and always represents newness, freshness, inspiration, and incoming aspects of what the suit represents (in this case, ideas and intellect). New Moons also represent the time each month when setting intentions and goals is supported by Universal forces. The solar eclipse energy stirs all of this up, supercharging the effect of the sign in which it occurs. AND this solar eclipse occurs in the part of the sky connected with the Moon's North Node - a part of the sky that represents our individual path toward what we were brought to this Earth to find our soul's find our path.

Do you see how this is all connected? How supportive this week is for dreaming up new ideas and setting intentions for how you want to bring newness into your life? The energy of this week, supported by the Ace of Swords, the New Moon, and the solar eclipse in Gemini which occurs in conjunction with the lunar North Node is calling us to take steps toward our wildest dreams in support of our soul's calling.

Search for that which will bring your soul joy this week. Set intentions that reflect the voice of your highest self. Release those dreams to the Universe, trusting that you are supported. You are loved, held gently, and cared for, Friends. It's time to rise.

PS - Solar eclipses can be accompanied by an influx of confusion and feeling unsettled. If that's present for you this week, know that it's totally normal - in general any time we are calling in support for a new beginning or new idea feelings of overwhelm are common. Eclipses are generally not times to take swift action on your impulses, but rather a time to take note of what arises and to sort through it in the coming weeks. This is true for this eclipse as well, so this post comes with the reminder to dream big and see what arises in the coming weeks.

Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne


Oil of the Week: Grounding


Card of the Week: Father Sky