True North Empowerment

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Welcome, March 2023

Welcome to one of the mosts important months of 2023! The saying, "Spring comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb," could not be more true for the astrological climate right now. The leaving like a lamb part may or may not be true, but the entering like a lion is on point.

This month we have not one, but TWO major transits occurring. On March 7, we have Saturn leaving Aquarious for the sign of Pisces, and on March 23, Pluto leaves Capricorn to enter Aquarius.

What's the big deal? Saturn only switches signs every 2.5 to three years. And Pluto? It spends between 15-20 YEARS in a given sign before moving on to the next. So, it's safe to say that we're in the space of some major energetic transitions and transformations. How exactly this has an effect on your experience will be dependent on your birth chart, but collectively we will all notice some similar shifts.

MARCH 7: Let's look at Saturn first. Saturn works in approximately three year cycels (it takes 29 years to make its full orbit around the Sun). Saturn, being the planet of structure, boundaries, manifestation, hard work, drive, focus, and building entered the sign of Aquarius in March of 2020. We've all collectively walked through a LOT in these last three years, and it's not to say that the pandemic and the renewed focus on our social networks, social justice, and the collective experience of humanity was all because of this shift, but those are all strongly Aquarian traits.

What can we expect of Saturn's time in Pisces over the next three years? I'm not exactly sure, but what we can be sure of is that we'll be being called back into the inner sanctum of our hearts to explore what it is that we believe about this world and the next. We'll be pulled inward to figure out how we can best serve ourselves and others. We'll take actionable steps towards living a more aligned life. We'll be more in tune with the depth of our emotions. We'll have a renewed focus on faith and spirituality. We'll be building towards living with all of these issues in focus. Pisces is a deep, beautiful sign which will demand that Saturn give up some of its rigidity to go with the flow. This may bring with it some funky energy in the early days of this transit - Saturn doesn't generally feel "at home" in Pisces - but in time we should be able to ease into the long term nature of this transit. SO - if you're feeling a bit off throughout the month of March and beyond (especially if you have a Saturn ruled Sun, Moon, or Rising...or have Pisces in these placements), know that in time the oil and water will integrate. :)

To make things even more interesting, we have a full moon in Virgo on the same day the Saturn transit into Pisces occurs. Fun times for all! Full moons are generally a time to release and let go, so this is the perfect time to release the need for perfection and to just go with the flow.

MARCH 23 - Now onto our second big transit of the month - Pluto into Aquarius. Again, Pluto stays in one sign for 15 - 20 years at a time (its full orbit around the Sun takes 248 years!). It entered Capricorn in 2008. What comes to mind first when we think of 2008? The financial crisis. Pluto is a planet of transformation (and honestly, sometimes a bit of destruction), and one of Capricorn's main traits is its work ethic and financial management prowess (that's way oversimplified, Cap friends - you're so much more than just that, and as a fellow Cap Sun I beg your pardon!). So, what will Pluto's time in Aquarius bring? Again, we don't know, but it may be further transformation around items that deal with our collective experience of humanity, our social networks, social justice, and even some continued transformation in the areas of science, technology, and information sharing. Some are pointing to AI as being connected to Pluto's time in Aquarius, but I'd like to think it will rather be that we end up valuing our interpsonal connections more than going all in on further distancing ourselves through all that AI brings with it. Only time will tell - we have 20ish years to see how it will all play out, but we can bet there will be large shifts and transformations during this time as Pluto dances through the sign.

There are other things happening this month as well - Mars finally leaves Gemini where it's been for the last seven months (which is a really long time for Mars to be in a given sign) for Cancer on March 25, so be on the lookout for a renewed connection with your emotions, home, and family life during that time. Jupiter and Chiron will also meet between March 10 - 14, so be aware of an increase in feeling and bettering your personal pain points. Finally, we start a new astrological year on March 20/21 with the dawn of the Spring Equinox! Happy new year!

SO - To recap, March is one of the biggest astrological months of 2023 with these two important transits. The keys to making it through are to know you don't walk this path alone - we're all making our way through these shifts together, and to be gentle with yourself esepcaily at the start of any of these big transits. Every once in a while, don't forget to look up at the night sky and marvel at the fact that we are but a speck in the Universe - a very Piscean thought, after all. :) You can catch the video replay of this info on YouTube here, and be gentle with yourselves as you make your way through this month that's overflowing with energy!

Any questions, don't hesitate to reach out! And if you'd like to dive into your personal birth chart, I would love to do that with you. You can schedule time directly on my calendar online here.

Also, be sure to enroll in our Astrological New Year celebration on March 21 (it'll be on Zoom!) at 7:30 PM EDT! Join us for an evening of intention setting, group Reiki, and guided meditation! You can register for that online here.

I'll look forward to connecting with you throughout the month, and reach out if I can be of support!