Premium Starter Kit

We feel zen already!

Offering 12 of the most popular oils, a diffuser, and samples of the Thieves Household Cleaner, Thieves Hand Sanitzier, and the NingXia Antioxidant supplement, the Premium Starter Kit is the best way to integrate oils into your every day life. And when you’re getting a $400 value for just $165, which includes 24% off of all future orders and access to our oily education Facebook groups, it’s a legit steal. Here’s a run-down for you on some of the various uses of each oil:

DiGize Vitality

All things tummy support!


Peppermint Vitality

Add 2 drops to brownie batter for all natural mint flavoring, place one drop on back of neck to cool down, apply to temples for occasional head tension.

Lemon Vitality

Diffuse for emotional support, use to get stickers off of surfaces, great for detxoing your system.


Peace and Calming

Diffuse for all the zen feelings. Great support for sleep.

Thieves Vitality

Full-body wellness support, helps to keep the ick away, diffuse for maintaining a healthy space.



Perfect to use before a big presentation, diffuse for sleep, apply to spine after chiropractor visit.

Citrus Fresh

Diffuse for a bright aroma or use on cotton balls and place in trash cans or gym bags.


Stress Away

Vacation in a bottle!


Respiratory support for when you feel the ick. One drop on bridge of nose during a nose bleed.


Diffuser - Desert Mist or Dewdrop

Take your pick - they each run for about 12 hours, have various light settings, and come with 3 settings - high, low, and intermittent.


Frank is a grounding, zen oil that we use in allllll of our energy work. Also wonderful for skin and sleep.


24% off all future orders

When you get the PSK, you are a member for life and you’ll receive 24% off all future orders!


All the body support for after a tough workout. Don’t do leg day without PanAway!


Thieves Products

The PSK also comes with samples of the Thieves Household Cleaner and the all natural and alcohol-free Hand Sanitizer.


Oh, how we love Lavender! Wonderful for sleep, skin, and emotional support. Gentle, soothing aroma.


NingXia Antioxidant Supplement

It also includes two samples of the NingXia Antioxidant supplement which provides all natural wellness and energy support. (It’s super yum, too!)

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