All Things Thieves

We’re tired of the toxins.


The last time a law was passed that governs what is allowed to be placed in our personal care products in the US.


The number of chemicals that are banned from our personal care products in the US.


The number of chemicals that are banned from personal care products in Europe.


Enter Thieves. The Thieves product line is based off of the Thieves oil which we affectionately call “The Wellness Keeper.” Featuring a household cleaner that cleans all surfaces, hand soap, hand sanitizer, dish soap, laundry detergent, fruit and veggie soak, toothpaste, and mints the Thieves product line is safe, non-toxic, and it actually works. The best part? Not only are you getting a clean home, you’re also simultaneously providing your body with the wellness support it craves. Who’s ever heard of such a thing while cleaning?

The Thieves Starter Kit is $125 and comes with the following products:

  • 2 bottles of Thieves Household Cleaner

  • 2 Thieves Foaming Hand Soap

  • 2 Thieves Fruit/Veggie Spray

  • 2 Alcohol-Free Thieves Hand Sanitizer

  • 15 ml bottle of Thieves essential oil

  • Thieves Mouthwash

  • Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste

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