Card of the Week: Kali-Ma

Happy New Moon in Aries, Friends! The New Moon greets us this evening with the energy of inspiration, intention setting, and calling into existence that which we desire firecely.

The fiery energy of Kali-Ma joins us this week, and make no mistake - Kali is a "take no prisoners" fiery Hindu goddess. This could not be a better pairing for tonight's New Moon in Aries - a sign that is guided by the element of fire. This is a week of action, friends...of setting intentions for that which we want to bring into the world, and actually making a plan of attack as to how to make it reality.

Kali is urging us to not play it safe - to go beyond mediocrity. With Mercury still in Aries from last week (communication center being guided by action), we still have time to make that wish verbally to the Universe. Kali guides us toward not settling - to face our fears about making that wish "too big" or "too wild" - now is not the time to play it safe.

There's a reson why this likely goes against the grain. We're not used to going all in for ourselves. Sure, we can be 100% supportive of our friends and family members who are striving for bigger and better things, but when it comes to ourselves we likely fall short. Often, this comes as a result of our subconscious beliefs that we don't deserve great things. That wishing for success beyond our wildest dreams would be selfish. That we aren't worthy of that level of success.

Kali walks with us this week to serve as a reminder that we ARE worthy, and that we're capable of so much more than we could ever imagine. Don't just believe your worth - EMBODY it. Step into that fierce and fiery Kali energy this week as you take steps toward making your dream a reality...and own your worth.

Deck: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray

Deck: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray


Oil of the Week: Clary Sage


Oil of the Week: Niaouli