Oil of the Week: Niaouli

Our card and oil of the week couldn't be more perfectly aligned this week....not that each week there isn't a synergy BUT this week is just awesome!!

The oil of the week this week is Niaouli (Melaleuca viridiflora). The essential oil comes from the steam distillation of the leaves and young twigs of the evergreen tree native to Australia, New Caledonia, French Pacific Islands, and Madagascar. Niaouli is in the tree tea family of Myrtaceae. It is generally pale yellow in color with a fresh, almost menthol, but sweet scent.

Physically it primarily aids in skin and respiratory conditions but is also good for muscle pains and very supportive for the immune system.

Emotionally, it aids in concentration and nervous tension, especially tension or sadness around infections/illness.

Energetically it is one of the oils with the highest vibrations and can help to purify the soul and liberate the spirit. It is aligned with Mercury, which is in Aries currently so it's use would be well supported during this time. As Jenny mentioned with Horus, our card of the week, it aids in supporting truth telling and communication and also dream stimulation!

I love the energy in the Universe this week, it feels like a positive shift. Enjoy as you are able and happy oiling!


Card of the Week: Kali-Ma


Card of the Week: Horus