Card of the Week: Accept and Receive

Oh, Friends! This card struck a chord this week!

At first glance, the card seems pretty basic - Accept and Receive. Ok, sign me up! I'm open and willing to accept and receive whatever the Universe has in store!

But am I? Am I really willing to open myelf up FULLY to the gifts the Universe is sending my way? Or do I have walls built up to shield myself from truly stepping into all that the Universe has in store? Am I truly accepting of how the Universe sees my worth, my power, and my gifts? Do I shield myself to only allow in that which is comfortable and familiar? Do I feel that I am truly worthy and deserving of love, protection, and guidance from the Universe?

This week's energy is all about going two levels deeper into our hearts, owning our value, and fully opening up to whatever the Universe wants to bestow upon us. Note that this doesn't mean we'll be walking around with a million dollars and without worries (that's not how the Universe works, afterall), but there are likely to be gifts in the form of insightful treasures, wisdom from the voice of inner knowing, and even perhaps signs from loved ones beyond the veil. When we open ourselves up to receive...when we intentionally invite in the gifts that await us...we see more clearly, we feel more fully, and we are reassured that we truly do walk this Earth supported by the influence of energy that is not perceivable by our physical senses.

Step into the energy of acceptance. Embody the energy of reception. Live it, own it, breathe it, feel it to your core. And report back here as to what you notice throughout the week.

Be well, dear Friends, and we hope that your week is full of acceptance and reception!

Deck: Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne

Deck: Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne


Oil of the Week: Lemon


Oil of the Week: Angelica