Card of the Week: Raw Intention

Happy Sunday, All!

This week we are being guided to return back to the basics in order to make connection with that which inspires us. So often in life we get caught up in the finer details, often making things way more difficult than they need to be (I'm SUPER guilty of this, personally!). The overarching message of the week is to return to the spark of inspiration that guided us to our passions, our jobs, our hobbies, our families. To seek out in ourselves that which sits at the core of the actions we take.

Behind every single action (and inaction) sits energy. When we can reconnect with that spark of action potential and the excitement that lives behind it, we are reminded of why we were inspired in the first place. We can evaluate where we ended up and if we need to reevaluate where we're going. We can course correct as needed so we don't end up completely off track.

So, this week - rather than just bobbing around on the ocean at the mercy of the winds and tides - where in your life can you spend some time reconnecting with the intention...the raw intention...that inspired you to act in the first place? Sit with that energy this week. Converse with it. Ask yourself if the intention has changed, and if so get to know the energy of the new intention. When we look at our action potential as little balls of energy that need to be checked in on every once in a while, it can draw us out of "doing" mode and drop us in to "being" mode.

Nuzzle up to that raw intention this week, Friends - it's calling for some attention!

Deck: Sacred Creator’s Oracle by Chris-Anne

Deck: Sacred Creator’s Oracle by Chris-Anne


Oil of the Week: Fennel


Oil of the Week: Jasmine