Card of the Week: Peacekeeper

The message this week couldn't be any more clear - Let go of the need to be right.

Easier said than done, we know. But where in our lives are we digging in our heels a bit too far? Where are we doing this our of sheer stubbornness? Where are we acting specifically from ego, rather than from the heart? What relationships are being challenged by this? Where would it serve us better to step away from the energy of being combative and into the energy of peace?

Go there. Find that. Own the actions you're taking out of ego alone and step into the frequency of peace. We are's natural to let the ego drive us in the spirit of needing to be right. Too often though, we end up on autopilot acting out of ego alone. When we become aware that we're doing this, we have the opportunity to change course. All it takes is a moment to come back to center, drop into the heart space, connect with your higher self, and inquire WHY you are digging your heels in. What is the root cause for doing so? Is the answer to that question in alignment with your higher self? If not, step out from behind the barrier your ego has built up and choose words and actions that are in better alignment with what will serve your higher self.

All it takes is awareness, a little bit of space between thought and action, and a quick check in with your higher self. Search for those moments this week, and let us know how it goes.

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray


Oil of the week: Release


Oil of the Week: Fennel