Card of the Week: 3 of Wands

When typing the title of this week's card of the week, I accidentally typed "3 of Wants" rather than "3 of Wands," and I had to giggle since the typo is actually in alignment with the message behind the card.

The Wands suit is all about our creative and spiritual pursuits in life and is associated with the element of fire (or passion). The number 3 in the Tarot is a number of action...taking steps toward making your plans a reality. Put that together, and we have a clear and simple message for the week: Take action toward a spiritual or creative endeavor that lights your soul on fire. It's time. It's supported. It's calling to you.

This is encouraging after the energy of the last couple of weeks that have had us walking through the challenges of finding peace and looking for wisdom amidst the hard parts of life. We are finally being invited to take what we've learned and put it into good use. To allow the deep wisdom we've gained to provide a foundation underneath us that will guide us forward into a new endeavor. To celebrate the passion behind a new adventure. To take that spark of intuition and turn it into a flame of joy that supports our overall happiness.

The energy of this new endeavor is well within your energy field, just waiting to be called in to existence. We're curious - what will you be creating this week with this energy of newness, adventure, creativity, and passion? Let us know in the comments below - we will cheer you on from afar!

Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne


Oil of the Week (11.16.2020) Cedarwood


It’s a new day