Card of the Week: Snake

This week's energy is pulling us toward the desire to shed some of our old skin in order to step more fully into a new reality. To shake the dust off and prepare for newness.

Note that I mentioned that we're being pulled toward the desire to do this, and not that we will be stepping into newness this week. As I felt into the energy of this card there was a distinct message that came through - "It's not time yet, but there's wisdom in the desire to step into something new."

So, where does that leave us? Right smack dab in the in-between, which is never a comfortable place to reside. Buckle up, kids! It's time to get comfy in the uncomfortable!

That's not to say it'll be unbearable...just that we're being encouraged to sit with the desire for newness before making any big leaps. Listen to the whisper of wisdom that is held within the desire for change and use this time to get cozy with it. Get to know it, figure out where it's coming from, and have a warm cup of tea with it. No action is necessary right now, it's just time to start thinking about welcoming a bit of change.

Like a snake sheds its skin only when everything lines up biologically, so too should we be cautious of making a big change when we're not quite ready.

We're sitting with you in this this week, Friends. :)

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray


Oil of the week: Patchouli


Oil of the Week: Rose