Card of the Week: Master Buddha

Happy Sunday, Friends! I hope you're all safe, healthy, and warm given all the recent weather events across the country! Residing in Southern California during this time of year is always a blessing, and we've been noticing warmer weather start to creep in a bit - I hope this trend finds its way across the country sooner rather than later.

Last week we had the energy of the snake with us, encouraging us to keep our eyes open for opportunities to invite newness into our lives as we prepare to shed our skin and step into a beautiful new space. The energy came to us with a reminder that it's not quite time to take action, but to start becoming aware of the sense of new opportunities that may arise.

This week we are graced by the energy of Master Buddha, someone who needs no introduction. As the energy of increased awareness, it seems fitting that he follows just after the energy of the snake with the message to listen and TRUST in the messages that are rising from your heart. As we carry forward with the reminder that newness is on the horizon, we're being called to heed the quiet whispers of the heart in whatever direction you're being pulled. There's a sense that there are many different things calling to you on the horizon, and when you tap into your inner knowing and the voice of your higher self, there is guidance and wisdom to be found.

One final point to note on this - Buddha's journey was one of great sacrifice to quiet the chaos and return to the simple, quiet inner voice. If you're feeling the need this week to shed, declutter, and reorganize, this is aligned with the inner work of doing the same. Let us know in the comments - are you feeling called to the energy of alignment with the inner voice and of release?

Deck: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray

Deck: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray


Oil of the Week: German Chamomile


Oil of the week: Patchouli