Card of the Week: Shield Maiden

Happy Sunday, Friends, and I hope the time change is settling in well around you. I often wonder what could have been accomplished in the hour that we lose each day as we turn the clocks forward. Perhaps that's just the creator in me, always pushing forward...always striving for more time to create. But I digress...

This week we are greeted by the energy of the Shield Maiden. She comes to us as we are beginning to feel the stirrings of Spring, the awakening of the Earth from her slumber, and the gentle urgings of the past few weeks that have been pushing us toward newness. Her reminder is clear - now that we're coming our of hibernation and we feel the stirrings of action underneath our feet, make a clear plan of attack. Doing so will help ease stress.

It's easy for us to feel huge waves of inspiration as Spring returns. We've been resting during the darkness of Winter. We've spent time turning inward. Whether we're aware of it or not, subconsciously the wheels have been continuing to turn during our period of rest. As we awake from our slumber, the desire toward action carries with it a sense of excitement, a fresh outlook, and perhaps even a bit of joy. Like a child on Christmas morning, we're apt to dive right in and tear through the wrapping of all of our gifts within minutes, only to be left feeling saddened by not having more, doing more, and celebrating more. Had we only taken the time to consider first how we might approach the morning in a more methodical way, we might have been able to enjoy more of the day.

This is where the Shield Maiden's reminder comes in. Try not to get wrapped up in the hype and excitement of freshness. Revel in it. Bask in it. Glow in it. Gather it up and make a plan for consciously molding that energy into a sustainable force that can carry you through this season. Measure twice, and cut once - you'll be grateful you took the time to do so.

Happy (almost) Spring, Friends. Are you feeling this shift in energy?

PS - You might want to check out our two new Zoom events that are coming up! Join us on March 28 for Illuminated: Reiki, Readings, and Full Moon Inspiration. We're also going to be hosting a six week course on connecting with your spiritual gifts called Intuition Revealed. You can find out more about these on our Events page at We would LOVE to have you join us!

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray


Card of the Week: Hope


Oil of the Week: Cedarwood