Card of the Week: Hope

We have a good one for you today, Friends.

The energy of Hope joins us this week, and it's multifaceted. It's been a long year, and with the recent current events Hope could not be better timed.

Hope is everywhere. It's in the renewal of the Earth that we are experiencing as Spring enters. It's in all 7.6 bilion hearts that beat (and even the ones that don't). It's in every step forward, every step back, and every tear that falls. You might be reading this and thinking, "Hope? In tears." Yes. With every tear that falls, it carries with it toxins that need to be released. Even the act of crying brings with it a release that leaves space for hope.

Hope brings with her the reminder that you don't need to search for her - she has already arrived, and she never left.

Where has Hope recently surprised you?

Deck: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray

Deck: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray


Oil of the Week: Hope


Card of the Week: Shield Maiden