Card of the Week: Summer

But wait, Jenny - we're only one week into Spring! How is the energy of Summer upon us?

I feel you! But you know what else I've been feeling? So inspired by the energy of the season change that it feels like I'm going a million miles a minute, just like our bumble bee friends pictured on the card below.

The longer days, the warmer temperatures, and the fact that the world is slowly reopening after its slumber over the last year can make us feel like we have to do all the things, all at once, and right NOW. I've certainly been feeling that, and I'm sure many of you have as well.

Our reminder this week is to welcome the energy of Spring and to ease into it. Bask in the longer days. Revel in the warmer temperatures. Celebrate the reawakening of the Earth. Get excited for the (safe) reopening of the world.

But don't get so overwhelmed with all of this energy that it puts pressure on you to do all of it all at once. Step slowly into Spring - Summer will be here before we know it, and we don't have to embody that busy energy just yet.

On a spearate note, tonight we have the energy of the Full Moon in Libra, which urges us to find balance between our own independence and inviting people in. Libra is the sign of friendship, relationships, and togetherness. The energy of the Full Moon brings things out of the darkness and into the light. It also inspires us to release, let go, and and make space for people, places, and things that will serve you well. Today is the perfect time to reflect on what needs to be released in order to make room for inviting people in.

If you'd like to learn more about tonight's Full Moon, join us tonight for Illuminated at 6:00 PM PDT where we'll be sharing Reiki and Angel Card Readings inspired by the energy of the Full Moon. We'd love to have you join us, and you can register over on our Events page!

Be well, Friends, and remember that you don't have to do it all right now. Settle in to the beauty of Spring, knowing that the hive can wait. :)

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray


Oil of the week: Eucalyptus


Oil of the Week: Hope