Card of the Week: Star Ancestor

As we prepare to enter the space of a new week, we are greeted by the energy of the Star Ancestor, reminding us to look up.

With the fierce and fiery energy of Aries that has dominated the last several weeks always pushing us forward, we now have the reminder to take a moment away from the energy of doing and spend some time checking in with the divine. The sky is full of wonder, and it's always calling to us. Here on Earth it's easy to get stuck in the loop of go, go, go...achieve, achieve, more, be more, strive more. The Star Ancestor calls to us this week from the gentle quiet of the midnight sky with a whisper for the soul. Take a moment to get quiet, tune in, and listen to the guidance from above. We are never without it - only sometimes deaf to it.

What is the message you're receiving this week?

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Oil of the Week: Hyssop


Oil of the Week: Clary Sage