The Healing Grid

I've had the pleasure of spending time every weekend for the last couple of months in the Healing Grid - the sacred space in another dimension where all of my DNA Activation work is done.

DNA Activation is the most "woo woo" thing we offer at the Groves, but I promise it's also one of the most powerful. Clients' reactions range from the "how did you know that?!" to "this was perfect" to "it changed my life." By restoring and repairing your spiritual strands of DNA back to their most pristine form while also clearing vows and contracts that have carried over from a previous life into this one, activating your Clair gifts, and initiating you into the Magdalene Sisterhood Consciousness, DNA Activation is one of the most well-rounded and wholistic energy practices I've ever come across.

All of this work is done in a special place that exists beyond time and space in what is called the "Healing Grid." It's not hard to access - all it takes is a single intention and a deep breath or two, and before I know it I'm in the broad, sweeping meadow where all of the healing work takes place. Bordered on one side by a stream and waterfall and on the other by a forest with a cabin where the entrance to the Akashic Records is held, the Healing Grid is the place where our higher selves meet the guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, and Archangels who step forward to escort you through the work. Once the work is complete, you take your place in the Healing Grid, and it becomes a place you can access at any time for future respite.

The Healing Grid is an energy all its own, and every time I get to do the work I benefit from spending time there myself. I leave feeling replenished, at ease, and supported by the Universal energy that flows through the Grid like a heartbeat. Always lighter, always enlightened, and always recharged, I step back into the world of the physical full of gratitude and peace.

And that's just it - the healing work that is done in the Grid always makes its way back to the physical. I've watched my clients start their own podcasts, gain clarity in their artwork, speak up for themselves in challenging situations (when that was previously never an option for them), and stop apologizing for every little thing. To be clear, the Groves would not exist if it weren't for the Healing Grid and the work of DNA Activation. By putting our physical selves closer to our higher selves by clearing out the stagnant energy and activating our spiritual strands of DNA we come more into alignment with what will serve our highest good while making it easier to let the rest fall away. It's certainly not a cure-all, but it is a damn good way to cut through the noise of the ego in order to amplify the connection to your higher self.

And it's all thanks to the sacred conatiner in which all of the work happens - The Healing Grid. Feeling super grateful to have been able to spend so much time there recently. :)

For more information on DNA Activation, check out the DNA Activation Grove online here -

#dnaactivation #thehealinggrid #activatedna

A view of how the Healing Grid looks in my mind’s eye - it has tall sweeping grasses and is bordered on the left by a waterfall and stream, and on the right by a forest of trees with a cabin.  All of the work takes place in the middle of the meadow,…

A view of how the Healing Grid looks in my mind’s eye - it has tall sweeping grasses and is bordered on the left by a waterfall and stream, and on the right by a forest of trees with a cabin. All of the work takes place in the middle of the meadow, and nature frequently plays a role in the healing work that is completed.


October 2020 Review


Oil of the Week-Eucalyptus