True North Empowerment

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Hello, Friends!

Hello, Dear Ones!

We are so excited to bring you this space! It’s been on our minds and in our hearts for years now, and to be able to see it created on a screen in front of us is such a joy! In all honesty, though - if you told me 5 years ago that I would be creating a space for the development and offering of spiritual gifts, I would have thought you had lost your mind.

As a child, I was raised with religion (I’m a recovering Catholic…isn’t that what they say?). As a teen, I started questioning many of the teachings - where were the females in this religion? Why was birth control out of the question? With something as important as a religion that your heart, mind, and soul prescribes to, I was confused how it could be so absolute, and yet I was picking and choosing the parts that I believed. As a young adult, I questioned the dogma and the fear associated with it. As an adult, I left it behind.

Once on the other side of traditional religion, I figured that if I no longer believed in what I had been raised around that I believed in nothing. Like a pendulum swinging to both extremes, this was where I stood until the age of 31.

Then, out of the blue, my fiance Coll died at the age of 29 when he drowned during routine night operations while at work in San Diego Bay. In an instant I had lost my best friend, my future, and my life partner., and the world went sideways

Suddenly, my belief in nothing was staring me straight in the face. Coll was everywhere, and nowhere, all at the same time. It took some time, but his presence became palpable - first, through clairallience (the spiritual sense of smell - my goodness, his scent was so powerful at times!), and then through clairsentience (the spiritual sense of feeling). I thought I was going crazy, but it turned out to be the beginning of my spiritual awakening.

My foray into all things spiritual began with a medium who came highly recommended from a fellow Griefling. Reluctant and skeptical, I made an appointment. I made several follow-on appointments because, yes - he was that good. (Bill Philipps - thank you for your mentorship! You’re incredible!)

During one such appointment, he mentioned that everyone has the ability to connect. That it’s not just reserved for those with some special “gift.” I laughed it off, and went on my merry way.

His words stuck with me, though. I was then guided to an online spiritual community (Woo Collective shout out!), and their teachings were the same. And finally, a third mentor, Kyle Gray, repeated the same words.

After 3 different spiritual mentors had the same message, I perked up and said, “OK, Universe. I hear you.”

Thus began two full years of study, exploration, and creation. It wasn’t long before I learned about DNA Activation and became a certified practitioner. I found myself travelling to London on my own to become a certified Angel Guide from Kyle Gray. While all of this was happening, I began studying Reiki. One thing led to the next, which led to the next - the Universe was laying out breadcrumbs, and all I had to do was follow them.

And then, the dreaming began. The dreaming, and the creating, and the building, and the crafting. The voice of my ego, ringing loud in my ears every step of the way, and the voice of my higher self calling me ever forward. Kick rocks, ego - we’ve got work to do!

Welcome to the Groves of Zen. A place for you to dip your toes into the spiritual world you’ve always been called to, but have been too afraid to find. It was birthed from our hearts to yours, and we can’t wait to walk alongside you as you explore all that the Universe, the Angels, and the Ascended Masters have in store…