Card of the Week: Fire Guardian

Happy New Year, Friends!

I laughed when I saw that this week's card was the Fire Guardian - there's truly no better energy to step into the new year with than one who encourages us to step into making our passion a reality!

And that's exactly what the Fire Guardian energy is all about - dreaming big and taking steps toward bringing those dreams into the physical. This doesn't have to happen all at once, so take a moment to get quiet, sit within, and listen to the quiet whispers of your heart. What is it that you want to bring into the world in 2021? What ignites the fire within? What is something you can't live without this year?

Call on the energy of the Fire Guardian this week as you check in with yourself. Ask for clarity on what you want and how to bring it into reality. Start dreaming and don't stop. Listen to the inner workings of your heart and you absolutely can't go wrong.

So, Friends...what is it that your heart is pushing for? What can the Fire Guardian help you with this week? We're here for it, and we can't wait to cheer you on!

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray


Oil of the Week: Angelica


Oil of the week: Elemi