Card of the Week: Eagle

The energy of the week has two messages for us: Take a look at things from all angles before acting, and tap into the energy of the Sun as we approach next week's Winter Solstice.

First - What in our lives could use a bit of reflection before springing into action? We are being encouraged to tap into the Eagle energy by looking at things from the 10,000 ft view before taking steps toward making it reality. Where does this apply for you this week? What situations - be they personal, professional, spiritual, or emotional - could use some further investigating before action? In what ways would pausing to look at things from all angles be helpful? The Eagle arrives this week with a simple request - take a moment to zero in on that which will serve your highest good before making moves.

This comes with the reminder that what will serve our highest good is not always what we want, but rather what we need. Dig a little deeper than the very first thing that comes to mind when reflecting on this this week. Take a moment to get centered and ask from your heart space to illuminate for you what's in your best interest. You may not totally love the answer, but doing this will always guide you in the right direction.

I also love this card because it reflects back to us the beauty of next week's Winter Solstice on December 21. We'll explore more about this then, but Winter Solstice is observed on the day when we have the shortest number of daylight hours in preparation for the "rebirth" of the Sun. We are still in the darkness leading up to next week's Solstice, and I love that the Eagle is guiding us toward Sun energy this week. In several cultures, the Eagle energy is seen as a reflection of Sun energy. By pausing to ask ourselves to illuminate different perspectives this week, we are essentially asking ourselves to tap into the energy of the Sun and highlight that which we cannot currently see. A powerful and timely message leading up to next week's celebration of the return of the Sun.

So, Grovers - where in your life will you be pausing to see things from all angles this week? What is being illuminated for you?

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray

Deck: Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray


Card of the Week: Hilarion


Oil of the Week: Pine