Card of the Week: Hilarion

We are right smack dab in the middle of Winter Solstice, Friends. Let's talk about that a bit before we get into the energy of the Christmas week that lies ahead.

Winter Solstice marks the day of the year that has the shortest daylight hours and the longest hours of darkness. The cycle of the Sun is a given to us, but if you consider what it must have been like back before this was documented, think about how frightening it must have been to have the days getting shorter and shorter, not knowing if or when the Sun would return - especially when you relied upon the Sun to nourish your crops and to stay warm. When the Sun returned, you might spend some time rejoicing and marvelling at the great gift you've just been given. Hence, Winter Solstice.

Winter Solstice honors the darkest day of the year, and is a time to rejoice for the return of the Sun. For every day after Solstice, the daylight hours increase until Summer Sostice. We are entering a time of coming out of the darkness and returning to the light. What a beautiful opportunity we have been given during the Solstice to turn inward, sit in the quiet of night, spend some time in introspective reflection, and set intentions for all that awaits us when the light shines bright once more. Take stock of all that serves you and that which doesn't, and take steps toward making your dreams a reality. Make a wish. Recognize the light within you. And step fully into the bright light of the Sun as it returns to us later this week.

Interestingly, this all ties in to the energy of the week for the card we pulled. Hilarion greets us this week with the divine healing that can only be found by returning to the self. By listening to the quiet whispers of your heart. By sorting out that which is true for you and that which the ego has made up or exaggerated. Hilarion urges us this week to take some time away from the hustle and bustle of the holidays to partake in activities that are restorative in nature. Take a bath, take a nap, snuggle up under a blanket with a book. Whatever it is that your soul finds peace in - search it out and make time for it. One of the tiny blessings 2020 has given us is that we likely won't be garthering with as many people as we normally would this week. There will innately be fewer tasks to complete, fewer obligations to attend to, and more space to seek out the quiet.

Take a moment during Winter Solstice and during your holiday celebrations to be your own divine healer. Bask in your soul's desires. Tap into your truth. Come back to center. And rejoice in the presence of the Sun.

Happy Solstice, and Merry Christmas to all who celebrate.

Deck: Keeprs of the Light by Kyle Gray

Deck: Keeprs of the Light by Kyle Gray


Oil of the Week: Myrrh


Card of the Week: Eagle